Saturday, July 24, 2010

Herb Gardens.

These pics were taken only days after planting. I will upload more pics next week and let you see the progress.

Most home cooks waste a ton of money buying herbs in the local store, using less than half and letting the rest wilt and dry out in the refrigerator. For a small investment, you can set up your own organic herbs gardens. And the savings will be instant plus the added joy of using your own home grown organic herbs.

You don't need to go as elaborate as we did here. However, my cooks and I are getting a great yield out of these two raised gardens. We planted French Tarragon, Greek Oregano, Italian Parsley, Spicy Oregano, Thai Basil, Lemon Thyme, Chives, Cilantro, English Thyme, Curley Parsley, Marjoran, Mint & Rosemary.

Easy to maintain and easy to set up. Next week I will upload pictures of a more simple potted herb garden I established at home.

That's all for now, Happy cooking.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Executive Chef and Culinary Arts instructor. Trained in Europe. Worked in London, Dublin, Boston, NY & L.A. Among the dozens of Rock Stars, Actors, Politicians, Heads of State & Business I have cooked for, Julia Child was the most memorable.