Sunday, April 25, 2010

Peking Duck at "Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant" Beijing.

You can see the team of "Duck Chefs" working in the capsule like open kitchen.
This is the finest "Peking" style duck available anywhere.

According to the Chef, they sell on average 150 whole ducks per day.
That works out to be approx 54,600 ducks per year. After the Chef has
carved the duck table side, you can ask for the bone to be used for "Duck Soup".
Which they will make to order for you. And serve after the main course or they
will pack it up to go.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Executive Chef and Culinary Arts instructor. Trained in Europe. Worked in London, Dublin, Boston, NY & L.A. Among the dozens of Rock Stars, Actors, Politicians, Heads of State & Business I have cooked for, Julia Child was the most memorable.