Friday, May 14, 2010

Farmers Market in Ireland

Just look at those gorgeous duck eggs.
Parsnips are one of my favorite vegetables, great for soups, roasted or just steamed. Check out that price. 4.5 Euro's is about 5.70 in US Dollars. Seems expensive for organic Parsnips. However 1 kilo is equal to 2.25 lb's. So not a bad deal at all.
I am a big fan of Rhubard. And this nice thinner stem variety is less bitter the larger stems. Great in crumbles, Crisps, Stewed Fruits & great for digestion.

Long before it was "Trendy" to shop at the Santa Monica farmers market, towns and villages the length and breath of Ireland have hosted markets for over a 1000 years, (Yes, I said one thousand). These markets sell everything from fresh fruits & vegetables, flowers, baked goods, fish, lamb, beef, poultry, cheese, milk eggs & anything else that might sell.

Ireland is not alone when it comes to local town & village markets. All across Europe, (France, Germany, Italy, Scotland, England, Spain etc) markets pop up and have been doing so for centuries. If you get a chance to get over to Europe, ask some locals about the nearest market. Even if you don't buy anything. They are great places to do some good food or people watching.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Executive Chef and Culinary Arts instructor. Trained in Europe. Worked in London, Dublin, Boston, NY & L.A. Among the dozens of Rock Stars, Actors, Politicians, Heads of State & Business I have cooked for, Julia Child was the most memorable.