Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hill of Tara

This ancient church dates back 300 years. It is now a cultural center and the path leads to the "Hill of Tara". Which dates back over 3000 years. (Yes, three thousand). The Hill of Tara is the ancient Hill of Irish Chieftain's and Queens. It was is a place of great importance in Irish History. The British actually tired to demolish it in the 17 & 18 hundreds. Thanks to local farmers and rebels it is still here.
Notice the entrance to the Church grounds. This narrow cut-out in the wall is to stop sheep, goats and cows from entering the Churchyard. Just look how green the moss on the tree is. Amazing.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Executive Chef and Culinary Arts instructor. Trained in Europe. Worked in London, Dublin, Boston, NY & L.A. Among the dozens of Rock Stars, Actors, Politicians, Heads of State & Business I have cooked for, Julia Child was the most memorable.