Thursday, May 27, 2010


Each of these sloping hills are about 15 or 20 feet high. On top was a wood and stone fort. These sloping hills have been here for over 3000 years. The center stone is a fertility stone. Numerous fertility stones can be found around Ireland.

Imagine these sloping hills were made over 3000 years ago with out the help of a "Caterpiller" digger. An amazingly peaceful place.
Below is the "Mound of Hostages". Below this mound the cremated remains of over 200 members of the ancient Irish royal family lay.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Executive Chef and Culinary Arts instructor. Trained in Europe. Worked in London, Dublin, Boston, NY & L.A. Among the dozens of Rock Stars, Actors, Politicians, Heads of State & Business I have cooked for, Julia Child was the most memorable.